Friday, March 15, 2013

The Gospel Revealed by Translating Genesis 1:1-8 from Hebrew Pictographs

Family in the beginning, the Father with Jesus in His two arms.
Family in the beginning, the Father & the Son yoked together, tied together.
Behold the mighty work of the Father & Jesus.
Behold two mighty hands mightily tied together of the Father & Jesus.
Behold the Father in the beginning desiring to add.
Look at the Father in the beginning desiring.
Behold the hand of Jesus. Look at Jesus add.
Look at Him add & add to the family. Adding, looking at the people, & adding & adding more.

But a separation is added by eating, allowed by heeding & giving control.
The Word of Life thrown. Jesus looks at the chaos added to the people that added separation.
The Father's protection and breath thrown into chaos.
Chaos for the people, separation from the Word of Life, Jesus, by heeding & giving control.
The opening of life thrown.

Behold, blood from two hands, blood from a nail in the hand nailed by the Father.
Blood in the beginning. The Father's protection given.
Behold the bloody hands. Behold the hand of the Father nailed in the beginning.
The nailed hand, behold the hand of the Father nailed in the beginning.
The nailed hand in the beginning of the Father.
The Father's power adding breath by the bloody hands of the Father & Jesus.

Behold the Father nailed from the beginning.
His foot throwing away what the serpent added to His family.
Giving to the hand of the family the entrance to authority.
The Father's authority given to the people who look at Him.
The hand of blood for the family becomes the hand of life.
Behold the Father giving at the beginning, giving His family His hand of life.
Behold the separation that was added cut off by His foot.

Giving His two hands the Father brought light in the beginning.
The Father's authority is given to the people who look at the hand of blood.
Authority from the Father given to people.
His hand nailed & bloody, nailed to give security from the separation He securely cut off.
Now there is light for people from the Father, protection by His hand & guidance to those beholding Him.
They are secure in His hand, beholding His works.
They know the Head of the family.
They are secure in His hand, beholding His works.
Family tied together, coming together around the Head.

The hand that took the nail & shed blood is the Father yoked with the Door.
The nail in the hand, the nail in the Father, blood from the Head.
Look at the blood of the Father & the Lamb from the nailed hand.
The hand behold the hand of the Head, come together around the hand & look.
The family of Jesus nailed in the hand also.
Behold the blood of two hands, blood from the nail in the hand, behold the hand of the family.
The Door has been made yoked with His family working life through the blood of their two hands.
The blood is the yoke, the blood of two hands bleeding together now make one nailed hand seen as pierced.
The Father yokes & combines..
Behold one bloody hand..
The Father & Jesus identified with those who looked at the Head coming together as one hand for the world to see, the nailed hand of the full family moving under one yoke.
The family's hand is life.

Behold the blood of two hands, the blood of the God of two Heads.
By the mighty work of Jesus, inside of Jesus the power of the Head comes together into one visible hand of the combined family, the hand of life.
Behold the blood of two hands, the blood of the God of two Heads. The blood seen coming out of the Lamb.
The Lamb rises like the sun. His hand was the one we saw nailed.
The hand, behold the hand, the open hand of life.

We are supported by the two hands of light, the Head:  the Father & His Son.
He guides us & gives us security while we look at Him & His mighty works.
We are guided by the Head's light, hand, & eye.
Consume the blood of two hands, the blood of the nailed hand.
Behold the hand & you will see the Head of the family who gives His hand, look at His hand.
We the family are united with light, we are the people of the bloody nailed hand.
That which was two now lives with one hand.

This story starts at the beginning & even pictures the lamb slain by God taking the nail "in the beginning." It tells us of the fall of man, the cross, & even the resurrection. This story goes into great detail of the oneness of the Father, the Son, & the rest of the family. It refers to Jesus as the Head, the Lamb, the Door, & as Light. It also described God's heel crushing the serpent's head.
Notice that it doesn't say the "separation" took place "in the beginning." But it does say that the blood of God was given in the beginning. This indicates that the lamb slain before the separation took place thus "before the foundation of the world" & it was not in response to the separation. I personally believe that Christ would have been slain before the foundation of the world for all mankind regardless of how things played out whether Adam ate from the tree or a descendant of Adam or no one ever did.
It even makes mention of God's will in relation to mankind's freewill. It says, "The Father's authority (power) is given to the people who look at Him." Jesus said in John 6:40, "This is the will of My Father, that everyone who looks at the Son and trusts in Him will have eternal life."
The hands of the Father & the Son are tied together in the beginning so they take the nail together. We were crucified with Christ & we are also pictured as taking the nail with Him.
The nail pictograph itself symbolizes adding, giving, & secureness. Nails were tent pegs, tents were homes, His nails give us a secure home.
The name of Jesus appears in place of the letter Tav. Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet which is equivalent to the Greek Omega & Jesus referred to Himself as the Omega. Not only that but the pictograph for the Tav is a cross.

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  1. Michael, where are the pictographs?

    Is there a mother in this family?

    Where is the Spirit?

    1. It would be very time consuming to format the text with the pictographs. Here is where I read from,

      I have my own personal table of pictograph definitions/symbolism made from several sites on the web.

      I'm not going to add the spirit or a mother in there where the pictoraphs aren't conveying those.

      The Hebrew word for spirit pictures an ever exhaling breath.
      So the spirit does appear twice.

      "The Father's protection and breath thrown into chaos."
      "The Father's power adding breath by the bloody hands of the Father & Jesus."

  2. The were anticipating a Messiah to come save them from the wrath of Rome. They were awaiting
    redemption that was promised to them 200 years translation before.
    Gospel translation
    translate spanish to english
    spanish to english translation
    french translation
